Fans of The Witcher 3 are often in desperate need of new quests to complete. Given that the game came out several years ago, many have played the game over and over, stretching out the original content from CD Projekt Red.
Nowadays it’s up to modders to add in more things to do and with this mod, Little Sisters, they went to the well of past ideas and brought a popular quest from The Witcher 2 over to The Witcher 3.
The Little Sisters mod is compatible with the 'next-gen' version of the game
Created by a small modding team, Little Sisters is a bit of a throwback. The quest has Geralt solving a problem posed by a character called Mavrick whose actions are perhaps a little dubious. Saying too much could spoil the plotline for potential players, but we’ll say that the quest has a bit of everything - strong emotions, an unreliable source of information, and even a little horror.
Once you’ve grabbed the mod via NexusMods you can get started by travelling to a point between House of Respite and Nilfgaardian Army Group ‘Center’ Camp in Velan. The mod is only available in English currently, but the modding team is hopeful to have it translated by members of the community. Interestingly, the mod will dynamically scale the AI difficulty based on your level, so it should be accessible to many.
The Witcher 2 is currently a bit of a no-mans land game - it’s not as well-loved as The Witcher 3, plus there are no plans to bring this to modern audiences via a remake or remaster as with the first game. Because of this, it’s up to modders to bring some of the best quests from Geralt’s second outing to players who may have missed them the first time around. If you’re yearning for more Geralt, you’d do well to jump in on this mod.
Topics: The Witcher, The Witcher 3, Mods, PC