Early footage of Days Gone, while it was still in development, has surfaced online. Another kick in the teeth for fans who want a sequel.
PlayStation’s first-party line-up features some of the hottest ongoing gaming series on the market right now, like God Of War, Horizon and recently Astro Bot.
Astro Bot is still being updated with new content, check it out below.
They can’t all be winners though, as some IPs have stagnated over the past few years, whereas some have disappeared entirely.
No I’m not talking about Bloodborne. I’m talking about Days Gone, the zombie-survival shooter that just didn’t stick the landing.
Recently, the game’s gameplay director Jeff Ross uploaded unseen footage of the title to their personal YouTube account which is just now being discovered by fans, and it once again has spurred on those who desire a sequel.
Unfortunately, Sony Interactive Entertainment didn’t greenlight one due to the poor sales of the first game. A shame, because it started to pick up the pace a bit later into its life.
It was also rumoured the game would be getting a Director’s Cut for the PlayStation 5 this year, which was to be unveiled during the last State Of Play event. The showcase came and went with no mention of Days Gone.
The most fans have gotten over the past few years has been the game’s main character Deacon appearing in Astro Bot, something the character’s creator was disgusted by for some reason.
The comments on the unseen trailer said it all, with one calling it “almost criminal” that a sequel never made it into development.
“Days gone is my favourite game just because it’s so different, the mechanics are something else unmatched. I’ll never forget running away from all those enemies,” added another.
Days Gone is currently living in days that are, well, gone. You never know though, perhaps if fans continue to demand more of its world that Director’s Cut will happen, hopefully spurring Sony to give it another chance on better hardware.
Topics: Days Gone, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony