News of certain developments over at Bend Studios, the developer behind the 2019 zombie title Days Gone, has convinced fans that a sequel to their most famous IP is on the way… but is there actually any truth to it, or are fans just desperately clutching at straws?
Last week, Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier revealed that two Sony-produced titles have been cancelled - one of which was from developer Bend Studios.
“Sony Group Corp.’s PlayStation has canceled previously unannounced games at two of its top subsidiaries, the company said Thursday,” Schreier stated in his report.
“The games, at Oregon-based Bend Studio and Texas-based Bluepoint Games, were both “live service” projects designed to draw recurring revenue from players.”
So what exactly does this have to do with a potential sequel to Days Gone? Surely the news of a games’ cancellation can’t be good news, right?
Well, over on the r/DaysGone subreddit, fans of the title seem to think that the cancellation of Bend Studios’ live service title means that Sony could moving forward with a sequel (now that the developer is free to work on other projects).
“Yeah i'm huffing on that copium now too,” commented user TomBru98, “Rumours of a Days Gone remaster coming to PS5 then a month or so later Bend Studio's multiplayer shooter game gets canned? We're so back.”
“Huge fan of zombie games and it’s so odd that no one can master it,” replied user Nice_Razzmatazz9705, “Days gone even with its flaws sh*ts on any zombie game imo. The second one would be incredible.”
Really, there isn’t much basis to said assumption. Fans are just hoping that this is the case.
Still, now that Bend Studios’ plate is clear, they’ll almost definitely be focusing on a single-player title next (given Sony’s newfound hatred for live-service titles).
Only time will tell whether or not said title ends up being Days Gone 2, however.
Topics: Days Gone, Sony, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5