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Star Wars fans lose it as Prequel character officially returns from the dead

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Star Wars fans lose it as Prequel character officially returns from the dead

You'll probably wish they hadn't though

Great news everyone; a character from the Star Wars prequel films we assumed was dead is actually alive!

Bad news; the character in question is an irredeemable monster, so it would probably be best if they were actually dead.

A recent comic series titled Star Wars: Legacy of Vader has been making waves online ever since its first issue dropped back in February, and now it's back in the spotlight again following a recent revelation in its second issue.

The series follows Kylo Ren as he attempts to, as the title might imply, unravel Darth Vader’s history, which has led to him discovering that one of the prequel film’s most despicable characters is still alive.

Said character is Watto, who most of you will probably remember as young Anakin’s slave owner from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

Now most people probably assumed that Watto was simply dead due to the passing of time, as there are almost 60 years in between Legacy of Vader and The Phantom Menace, but hardcore Star Wars fans assumed he was dead because a preview image from the very issue we’re discussing showed a vision of Darth Vader force choking him to death.

However, it was actually later revealed in the full release of the comic that Watto is still alive and kicking, as Vaneé (one of Darth Vader’s attendants) informs Kylo Ren that Vader never bothered to hunt him down.

Naturally, most of the commenters on DiscussingFilm’s Twitter post detailing the news found the whole thing to be pretty funny.

“man fumbled anakin and still outlived the whole empire,” commented user @debayo_xx.

“Bro survived Order 66 and the Disney buyout,” replied user @waigerHQ.

I wouldn’t be too disappointed however, as I think it’s pretty clear that Legacy of Vader is setting Kylo up to eventually hunt down and brutally dispatch Watto. Seems a bit random for them to focus on him so much otherwise.

As of now, it seems there are at least five more issues in the series left, so expect to see Kylo lopping off Watto’s head at some point in the next few months.

Featured Image Credit: LucasArts

Topics: Star Wars, Disney

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