One of my favourite things about the Pokémon series is that no matter what, there’s always someone out there whose favourite monster is seemingly the most obscure or strange choice imaginable. Admittedly, I’m yet to meet a hardcore Trubbish or Bruxish fan, but I’m sure they exist.
Admittedly, if five minutes prior to starting this article you asked me what I thought the fanbase’s overall favourite Pokémon is, I’d no doubt have suggested Pikachu or Charizard. The iconic first generation lads are recognisable even to those who’ve never played Pokémon in their lives, and the amount of merchandise and attention they continue to get from the company says it all. However, as GGRecon reports, over on Reddit, fans have now crowned a new king of all Pokémon, and it’s not who you’d expect.
Before we get into it, take a look at these awesome resin Pokémon card crafts.
Believe it or not, many fans believe that Crobat is the very best like no ‘mon ever was. The Poison/Flying-type was introduced in the second generation games as the final-stage evolution of Zubat, who’s universally considered to be one of the most annoying Pokémon in the series due to how common of an encounter it is in caves, as well as the fact that it can inflict frustrating status moves on your party. However, there’s no denying that Crobat is seriously cool, and it now seems to have quite an army behind it.
“They took a line everyone hated and made an awesome third stage that you have to have high friendship to evolve. Plus Crobat is tied for second fastest Flying type and has decent attack and movepool,” one user wrote. “And the fact that you know no matter which game you're playing he's usually ALWAYS there and is ALWAYS going to be a perfect member of literally any team,” another replied. "I didn't think anyone else loved Crobat as their [favourite] but seeing all the upvotes is awesome! You nailed his reasoning. He's that ugly bat thing most people overlooked but if you love it enough it will evolve for you. And because he's normally in starting areas as Zubat I get one and ditch my main a lot lol,” added another.
Congrats, Crobat, you’ve truly made it in the world now. Bulbasaur is still my favourite though, sorry.
Topics: Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Freak