Let’s go on a brief journey.
It’s 2002; a new The Elder Scrolls game has launched called Morrowind; it’s one of the best RPGs you’ve ever played.
Even now, 22 years later, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is still a fantastic experience. However, its graphics are dated.
Sure, we can power through, but why try when there’s ‘The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Refined’.
This new-gen overhaul is simply beautiful.
In the words of YouTuber GamerZakh, “I know this is what we’ve all wanted.”
Let's be honest, this is everthing we wanted from The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Refined.
Before you go thinking this looks as crisp as Baldur’s Gate 3 or Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it doesn’t.
Despite being overhauled, there’s only so much a mod can do to old graphics without rebuilding the original from the ground up.
Still, what modders have been able to do is nothing short of extraordinary.
“I've not played Morrowind for almost 20 years, and this video looks just as I remember it,” shared a long-time fan. “Amazing how memory is much higher res than reality.”
They’re not alone in their memory fooling them into remembering the visuals differently.
Someone else commented, “Me thinking: ‘Man, this hardly looks any different than I remember let me just check it out unmodded again’ [...] Nostalgia can really alter reality huh, lmao.”
Bethesda’s RPG has a hold over us. Maybe not quite as strong as Skyrim, but it comes damn close.
Even the dated graphics of the OG title over on Steam has “overwhelmingly positive” reviews, thus showing how beloved Morrowind is.
We’re not saying this free download is better than the original, just that it’s a way to experience a game you love through a more contemporary lens.
If you want to be wowed during your next playthrough, ‘Morrowind Refined’ is the way to go.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda, PC, Mods