The Legend Of Zelda series is almost definitely getting a brand-new game on the Nintendo Switch 2 but first, we might have to settle for several remasters and/or remakes.
That’s not the worst news imaginable, but it does make you wonder which Zelda games deserve to be remastered/remade first for the Nintendo Switch 2.
If you somehow missed the announcement for the Nintendo Switch 2, you’ll find it below but you’d have needed a pretty big rock to hide under to not catch it the first time.
So, if speculation is correct and Nintendo is saving our next proper Zelda game for later in the Nintendo Switch 2’s life, what on earth could the next remaster/remake be?
Well, fans have been pitching ideas and there are some pretty solid suggestions, along with some funny suggestions that definitely won’t happen.
The obvious choice and one that was echoed throughout this Reddit thread was “Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD,” two titles that got remastered for the Nintendo Wii U but haven’t been ported to the Nintendo Switch yet.
Another fan suggested: “HD remaster of Ocarina of Time given how successful Final Fantasy 7 was. It's a very safe game to launch similar to how they did with the 3DS.”
It’s a good shout, and given how you can play an HD version of Ocarina Of Time on PC for free, it’d make sense for Nintendo to want a slice of that itself.
One rogue and deranged individual suggested “CD-i remasters” ... Please lock that person up immediately, they’re a danger to society.
What we’re getting at is there are plenty of options. Personally, I’d be down for Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to get ported to the Switch 2, but in terms of new remasters/remakes, I’d love for Zelda: Majora’s Mask to get the HD treatment, as the 3DS remake was actually worse in some areas than the Nintendo 64 version.
Topics: The Legend Of Zelda, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch 2, Nintendo Switch