Horizon Forbidden West is easily my favourite game of the year. It may have gotten pushed to one side amidst all of the Elden Ring fanfare but Aloy’s latest adventure is impeccable, and a definite game of the year contender.
It’s a sizable game, and one in which you can spend hours exploring the varied locales of the Forbidden West. I could easily while away many, many hours on side quests and errands before returning to the main mission. Well now, Guerrilla is releasing even more content. During this week’s State of Play, they announced a major free update which is available right now.
When I say Horizon Forbidden West is stunning, I truly mean it. Take a look at this Shrine Walk gameplay.
There’s a ton of information to be found in the update’s patch notes but the definite standout here is the addition of New Game+ which is something fans have been requesting for quite some time. If you needed a sign that you should start another playthrough, this is it.
If you’re looking to start another run AND you want an extra challenge, the update also introduces the Ultra Hard difficulty level. Personally, I can’t think of anything worse than taking on a Slitherfang on Ultra Hard mode but hey, I have respect for those who welcome the challenge.
There are also new trophies thanks to the introduction of New Game+ and Ultra Hard mode which is for the most part a bonus, but kind of sucks if you thought you’d already reached 100 percent completion.
Other new features include a transmog option which allows you to change armour without changing the armour’s functionality. You can now also redistribute skill points which could definitely come in handy. New Game+ will include new weapons, dyes and face paints and there’s also the usual bug fixes and visual improvements.
Phew, I did say it was a major update. I thought I’d squeezed all I could out of Horizon Forbidden West but it looks like after this update, I am diving right back in.
Topics: Horizon Forbidden West, Guerrilla Games, PlayStation