Popular Twitch streamer Felix "xQc" Lengyel is in the soup after pretending to sniff Imane "Pokimane" Anys' chair while she was off-screen on her own stream.
The two streamers have had a rocky relationship in the past, with xQc saying that Pokimane chose not to be the bigger person in an argument with Dimitri "GreekGodx" Antonatos and Pokimane criticising xQc among others for promoting gambling on their streams. However, xQc has also defended Pokimane from misogynistic attacks and Pokimane has shared her latest career announcements with xQc. It's a lot to keep up with, I know.
That xQc has now drawn ire for an inappropriate joke at Pokimane's expense is disappointing though. In a stream hosted on the 29 September, while waiting for a Fall Guys match to fill, xQc checked what was going on in Pokimane's stream, however she wasn't there. Initially, he disparaged those sending "sniffing" emotes in the chat, saying that they were "so weird, bro." Then, he acquiesced, adding "who am I kidding," and moved his camera overlay on the stream to look like he was "sniffing" Pokimane's chair.
Only a week before these events, xQc had spoken out about sexual harassment following the shocking stories that came out of the CrazySlick, Maya and Mizkif drama. And, Pokimane reacted with disgust when she saw what xQc had done while she was off-screen.
Fortunately, xQc has realised that it was a poor joke. "I looked off-stream at the sniffing chair joke… Guys, I take it back," he said in a stream yesterday. "That was kind of f**ked. It was pretty weird. It was fine, [but] not really. Not really. I know her kind of well, and it kind of passes, it’s me, but I get it’s a joke, but people watching don’t, they want to emulate that kind of behavior. Don’t f**king do that."
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