What would you say is the most common reason why anyone would delete a game before actually finishing it? I’d guess that many might say ‘if it’s too buggy’, or if it doesn’t run as well as expected. Both are very solid reasons which you can’t really argue with.
Over on Reddit though, PlayStation Plus subscribers have raised a rather unique issue with one of the free games available to Extra and Premium-tier subscribers - Watch Dogs: Legion. Ubisoft’s action-adventure game was added to Sony’s subscription service back in May, giving subscribers the opportunity to dive in for free. However, it turns out that the cringey dialogue has proven to be a stumbling block for many, and has even caused some players to delete the game within a matter of hours.
Take a look at Watch Dogs: Legion's landmarks compared to their real-life counterparts below.
“I have never deleted a game because of its dialogue and voice acting before. But it is so bad. It made the game unplayable for me. I returned to it twice with the goal of 'blocking out the dialogue' but it defeated me,” Reddit user me_simon wrote on the r/PlayStationPlus subreddit. “I enjoyed Watch Dogs. It took itself far too seriously but was fun enough. I really enjoyed Watch Dogs 2. Much brighter and didn't take itself too seriously. Whereas Legion is like they got my 70-year-old, talkback-radio-listening dad to write the script with the note 'make them sound like edgy youth'. And the voice acting? My god. It was so bad. […] I really wanted to enjoy hacking around London but the idea of spending 10s of hours with these characters was too great an ask.”
Others are in total agreement: “The dialogue was too over-the-top British for me with the most cringe slang words that most Brits don't actually use that much,” CypherRen replied. “Only managed to force about five hours of play before giving up and deleting. The voice acting is truly atrocious, but the entire gameplay is just…bad as well. Something feels really off and not as fun as the first two games,” added SkiingisFreeing.
If Watch Dogs: Legion isn’t your thing, there’s a grand total of 453 games to play via the Extra and Premium-tier PS Plus game catalogues right now - take a look at the full list here.
Topics: Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs Legion, Ubisoft, Playstation Plus