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Watch Dogs gets the gorgeous next-gen overhaul we've been waiting for

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Watch Dogs gets the gorgeous next-gen overhaul we've been waiting for

Chicago has never looked better

It is hard to believe that it has been a decade since Ubisoft first released its action-adventure game Watch Dogs and, despite its somewhat mixed reviews, it has remained one of the best iconic titles in the studio’s history.

Set in a fictionalised version of Chicago and following the story of hacking vigilante, Aiden Pearce, we follow him as he sets out on a mission to avenge the murder of his niece.

Check out the launch trailer for Watch Dogs below!

Since Watch Dog’s release back in 2014, Ubisoft has continued the series with Watch Dogs 2 in 2016 and spin-off, Watch Dogs: Legion in 2020 and with the series being hit-and-miss, maybe a gorgeous next-gen overhaul will go a long way.

Luckily, that is now possible thanks to creator Koschei over on Nexus Mods who has completely overhauled Watch Dogs.

Koschei’s Brutalist Merge not only improved the graphics for Watch Dogs but also aims to “make the game closer to what it should have been on launch.

The city now actually feels alive and better than ever. Along with giving it a more John Wick feel to the combat,” according to its creator.

When Watch Dogs was first announced via an E3 trailer, it is safe to say that it looked a lot more impressive than it did when the game was eventually released to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

However, this mod aims to bring that magic back.

As well as enhanced coat physics, realistic “ragdolling”, improved takedowns and enhanced traffic mods, Koschei’s Brutalist Merge also improves graphics and will make the decade-old Ubisoft release look the way it should have upon launch.

The mod was uploaded earlier this month and has already received over 1,500 downloads so if you are looking to replay Watch Dogs, this will be the perfect opportunity to do so.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Watch Dogs, Ubisoft, PC, Mods