The colder nights are rolling in, but that doesn’t mean that September needs to be a bleak, uneventful month.
One way you can keep yourselves entertained is by downloading Far Cry 5 for free.
Prepare for the free download by watching the Far Cry 5 trailer
The next wave of PlayStation Plus free games have arrived, and while there are plenty of experiences to steadily work your way through this month, we suspect Far Cry 5 will be high on your list.
While Ubisoft fans will go back and forth on which is the best title of the franchise, quite a few consider Far Cry 5 to be among the best, if not the best.
When a Reddit discussion opened up about whether it’s an unpopular opinion to believe it the better game, user Fonslayer said, “Far Cry 5 is a better game in almost every thing, people just think FC3 is better because of nostalgia, Vaas and the final of FC5.”
Furthermore, if you look at the reviews of the title on Steam, you’ll note that it’s average score is a solid 9/10.
This “really fun game” can be yours for free from 17 September onwards.
For eagle eyed PS Plus members, Far Cry 5 is a re-release; however, considering it’s a highly praised title, it doesn’t seem odd for it to make an appearance once more.
In addition to Ubisoft’s action-packed game, there’s also new release Plucky Squire and Under the Waves available to name but a few of the 13 titles on offer.
Far Cry 5, and indeed all the other free games coming to the service, will be for PS Plus Premium and Extra members only.
With the dawning of a new set of titles comes the inevitable loss of titles we love.
This September, PS Plus is set to lose a total of 16 games, so if you see one on that list, now is the time to play it before it’s removed.
Topics: Far Cry, Ubisoft, PlayStation, Playstation Plus