Superhero duos are a comic book staple. There are too many classic pairings to ever list, but your mind will probably immediately drift to the most popular ones.
Batman and Robin. Ant-Man and The Wasp. Captain America and Bucky. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. Cloak and Dagger. And now, finally, the one we’ve all been waiting for… Aunt May and Agatha Harkness.
Well, as bizarre as it sounds, Marvel seems to think that last one might have some traction. And if the internet’s reaction to it is anything to go by, they might have been right.
As detailed in their announcement, this dynamic duo’s pairing actually takes place during a series of one-shot comics that will all be written by J. Michael Straczynski. The author is probably most well known for his six-year-long stint writing The Amazing Spider-Man series.
The one-shots include Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon, Ghost Rider vs. Galactus, Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus and Hulk & Doctor Strange.
However, Aunt May and Agatha Harkness’ team-up isn’t taking place in the Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus comic. No, that would make too much sense. Instead, the two will be teaming up during a side story in Hulk & Doctor Strange.
The details on the nature of their partnership are pretty sparse, with Marvel only revealing that Spider-Man’s aunt will somehow find herself “caught in the midst of a supernatural battle alongside Agatha Harkness”.
How do you randomly just get “caught in the midst” of something like that? I’m going to need a little bit more context than this, Marvel. Maybe the two have a disagreement over a game of gin rummy or something, your guess is as good as mine.
We’ll have to wait a while to find out though, as the one-shot won’t be coming out until May next year. They really wanted to give you a lot of time to pre-order this one, huh?
Topics: Marvel, Disney, Spider Man