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Marvel fans slam The Avengers' supposed new leader in MCU

Marvel fans slam The Avengers' supposed new leader in MCU

Just our friendly neighbourhood leader (apparently)

Huge rumours are making the rounds that a new leader of The Avengers is on the way and it seems like this particular rumour has garnered a mixed reaction from fans.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the leader of The Avengers by many is considered to be Steve Rogers aka Captain America (Chris Evans), though we’re sure Tony Stark aka Iron Man (Robert John Downey Jr.) may argue that statement. Before I proceed, I am about to go into a major spoiler territory for the 2019 movie Avengers: Endgame, so you have been warned.

Check out the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer below!

In Avengers: Endgame, we said goodbye to two of The Avengers’ leaders, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, both for very different reasons. In a nutshell, Rogers travels back in time to live a peaceful life with his soulmate Peggy Carter, and Stark sacrifices himself to finally defeat the “Mad Titan” Thanos.

Post-Avengers: Endgame, we’ve had plenty of new MCU movies but with no new leader of The Avengers announced. Yet, in the 2019 movie, Spider-Man: Far From Home, seeds were seemingly being planted that Spider-Man aka Peter Parker, played by Tom Holland could be the new leader of The Avengers.

Peter Parker being a leader is nothing new, as he’s led a S.H.I.E.L.D. team in comics as well as an animated series formed by Nick Fury, with the intent of it being the next generation of The Avengers. Also, in the MCU, Peter Parker begins to show the qualities of a leader making huge sacrifices and mature decisions post-Avengers: Endgame.

So it would perhaps make sense, that Peter Parker will eventually become the leader he’s perhaps destined to be in the MCU. If that happened, Peter Parker would have faced the new galactic threat led by Kang the Conqueror.

However, if Parker is to lead the good fight against the forces of evil in the MCU, it will no longer be against Kang the Conqueror, following allegations against Jonathan Majors’ who allegedly harassed and assaulted a woman.

Personally, I’m all in for the idea of Peter Parker becoming the new leader of The Avengers, but it seems that not everyone is keen. Following a tweet from MyTimeToShineH, a Twitter account that reports entertainment news and rumours, fans have given a mixed reaction to the prospect.

“It should be Anthony Mackie but we'll see how this plays out,” replied a Twitter user. “OH NO, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE,” said another dramatic user. This, at least in this Twitter thread, seems to be the common response to Peter Parker leading the charge.

Of course, at this time, this is mere hearsay, but we do know that Spider-Man 4 starring Tom Holland is on the way with no announced release date. Hopefully, we’ll learn more when that movie arrives within the next couple of years or so.

Featured Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Topics: Comics, Disney, Marvel, Sony, Spider Man, TV And Film