It’s a known quantity that when Marvel hires you for a lead role in a film they’re going to be writing you a fat paycheck, and whether stars like it or not, we all know that those zeroes grease the wheel.
Kirsten Dunst, who played MJ in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films, has recently commented on whether she would return for another film, and she’s not shy in saying the money would help. Talking to Marie Claire, Dunst was asked if she would like to return to which her reply was an emphatic “yes.”
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man made an appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Explaining further she made it clear that the paycheck would be a motivator, “Because you get paid a lot of money, and I have two children, and I support my mother.” Hell yes Kirsten, secure that bag. It’s refreshing in some ways to hear this kind of response; as lovely as it might be to play an iconic character and exercise your craft, we all work for a paycheck. And it would be a hell of a paycheck, especially if Raimi and Tobey Maguire were on board.
Dunst played Mary-Jane in the Spider-Man trilogy, the first of which was released in 2001, opposite Tobey Maguire who recently donned the suit one more time for Spider-Man: No Way Home and seemingly had a blast doing so. It has long been rumoured that Sam Raimi has one more Spider-Man film left in him and fans have been begging for it to become a reality. Given the state of the MCU currently, it wouldn’t be a bad move as legions of fans would show up for a new entry.
You can catch Kirsten Dunst in her latest film, Civil War, where she plays a photojournalist watching America work its way towards a civil war after a long political divide.
Topics: Marvel, Sony, Spider Man, TV And Film