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Harry Potter fans divided over dark wizard who 'created' dementors

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Harry Potter fans divided over dark wizard who 'created' dementors

He's more terrifying than Voldemort

Voldemort was pure evil, there’s no denying that.

But he’s perhaps not the most fearsome to ever rise to power in the Wizarding World.

Of course, Gellert Grindelwald was also incredibly depraved, but I also don’t believe that he would have taken the title.

The most dangerous to ever exist is arguably someone you’ve never heard of, a man known only as Ekrizdis.

Ekrizdis existed during the 15th century and according to information posted to Pottermore by JK Rowling, was the first inhabitant of Azkaban.

Although, it’s important to note, that at this point in time, Azkaban was merely an island - not a prison.

Ekrizdis spent his days luring in passing sailors, using them for grisly and torturous magical experiments.

It’s believed this is how dementors were created.

Eventually, Ekrizdis lost his mind and passed away and when he died, his concealment charm over the island vanished.

The Ministry of Magic found the island swarming with dementors and decided to establish Azkaban prison.

They never did speak of the horrors they found on the island though from Ekrizdis’ many experiments.

Is this something that’ll be touched on in the upcoming Harry Potter TV series?

“I read somewhere that the dementors were the least horrific things that the Ministry of Magic found on the prison island, and they classified and probably destroyed the rest of the findings because of how terribly horrifying they were,” Reddit user Ok-Diet-8655 stated in a discussion about the character.

“I know I’m late but he makes me think of Josef Mengele. Feels like he just wanted to experiment with no consideration to his victims’ pain,” added AdAmbitious2537.

It’s a dark and grisly thought, but it’s true.

It’s perhaps why Ekrizdis has never particularly been expanded on, a topic that’s caused division amongst fans.

Harry Potter is, after all, a family friendly franchise, and perhaps Ekrizdiz’s backstory is just a tad too dark.

When you think that Voldemort struggled to conquer a school though, you can see why Ekrizdiz is considered the most fearsome dark wizard.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film, Warner Bros