Some fans of CD Projekt RED’s hit game The Witcher 3 have just discovered Geralt’s original chosen name, which everyone has decided is equal parts goofy and awesome.
In a recent Reddit thread by user filterrcoffee on the r/Witcher3 subreddit, the poster in question discovered Geralt’s first moniker by triggering a specific cutscene that can only be seen during one of The Witcher 3’s endings.
Said cutscene can only be triggered by playing through the quest Something Ends, Something Begins and unlocking the “Empress Ending”, so spoilers if you were planning another playthrough of The Witcher 3 at some point (which, let's be real, you probably are).
During a little conversation with Ciri regarding Geralt’s past, he lets slip that his first choice of name was going to be… Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarcie. Not sure why he felt comfortable sharing that, considering Ciri was almost definitely going to make fun of him for it.
For those unaware, Witchers usually pick their own surnames. This is usually just so they can appear more trustworthy to clients, and assumedly because Beyonce doesn’t exist in this universe so just going by your forename isn’t cool yet.
This little exchange is actually a reference to the fifth book in The Witcher series, Baptism of Fire, during a conversation with Vesemir.
Vesemir was the one who talked Geralt out of choosing the last name Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarcie, mostly because he thought it sounded overly pretentious.
Geralt opted to go with “of Rivia” instead and even trained himself to mimic the Rivian accent so he’d appear more authentic to potential clients.
Unfortunately for Geralt, I highly doubt Ciri will ever let him live this down. Bro have named himself Geralt of the Bovine Defense Force Initiative and it would have sounded less silly.
Topics: The Witcher 3, The Witcher, CD Projekt Red