If you’re looking for a new fantasy game to channel your inner Skyrim adventure without taking an arrow to the knee (that I cannot guarantee), then we have an upcoming indie game that might tickle your fancy.
Originally released in 2011 for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has taken the video game community so much by storm, that Tamerial explorers still cannot get enough of the ever-popular RPG to this very day. This is why fans cannot wait for the release of The Elder Scrolls VI, whenever that time may arrive. Speaking of which, despite Bethesda being owned by Microsoft, recent events have increased the chances of The Elder Scrolls VI getting its PlayStation 5 release.
Check out the Reign of Guilds trailer below!
Until that time arrives, the MMORPG survival game Reign of Guilds developed and published by indie studio Atlant Games has you covered. Best of all, it’s coming to PC via Steam soon, and by the looks of things, it’s also a game that may interest fans of RuneScape. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention, Reign of Guilds will be free.
“In Reign of Guilds, one doesn't need to survive, build cabins, or cultivate cabbage. Here, nobody values blisters from a pickaxe or a shovel, but what is considered as value are interaction skills with other players, be it either combat or diplomacy, trade or craft,” reads the description of the game.
“Some Guilds will go toe-to-toe in deadly battles for the lands, castles, titles, and the throne, while others will win over craft and trade markets without any bloodshed and position themselves on the same level with Counts and the King. The King, Counts, associations, the Royal Bank, taxes, commissions, expenditure on lands and maintenance of auctions? Let's get this sorted out.”
Reign of Guilds doesn't have a solid release date at the time of writing, but it is scheduled to be released at some point early this year. So in other words, anytime now (probably).
Topics: Free Games, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, PC, Steam