Skyrim players are only just finding out that there’s a very specific way to avoid any fall damage in the game, although you may be more surprised to find out that there are actually multiple ways to do so.
It’s hard to say what is and what isn’t a bug or an oversight in Bethesda games sometimes, and I think this example falls into that camp.
As one player noted in a thread on the r/skyrim subreddit, there’s a slightly odd way you can ignore fall damage that they’re referring to as the “Netch Jelly clutch”.
Netch Jelly is an ingredient that was added in the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim. You need to gather a few of them for the quest Fetch the Netch, but beyond that it’s just a fun little ingredient that paralyses you upon user.
Funny little tidbit about paralysis in Skyrim; you actually completely negate fall damage while you’re paralyzed. That means, as user DonTong demonstrates, that eating some Netch Jelly just before a fall completely saves you from harm.
“Last playthrough I did survival mode and used it in conjunction with an elevated position and Whirlwind Sprint to YEET myself across the map on several occasions since I couldn't fast travel,” commented user TadpoleOfDoom.
“It requires some timing, and also at certain points the getting up animation will halt your forward momentum, so you'll need to keep reapplying the jelly.”
However, one player pointed out another way to become immune to fall damage that I am genuinely surprised people didn’t know about beforehand.
“Most players don't know Become Ethereal makes you immune to fall damage,” replied user Dirk_McGirken.
The Become Ethereal shout states you ignore all damage while it’s active. I distinctly remember throwing myself off a mountain at the first opportunity once I unlocked it to test this. Yet, there appear to be people in the thread that had no idea this worked.
Surely the paralysis thing is just an oversight though. On the plus side, it is funnier to use Netch Jelly instead of Become Ethereal… mostly because the ragdoll effect when you plonk onto the ground cracks me up.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda