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Skyrim players discover High Hrothgar secret we had no idea existed

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Skyrim players discover High Hrothgar secret we had no idea existed

A handy protection to nab

Look, I’m with you.

I find myself constantly in disbelief that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s open-world still finds ways to surprise us.

I always think I know everything about this game and then something like this stumbles across my desk and suddenly, I’m humbled again.

While, in my opinion, Bethesda really needs to overhaul and modernise many aspects of its open-world formula, I really hope the studio doesn’t lose its attention to detail.

The discovery I want to share with you today is one which can be found on the way to High Hrothgar.

According to Reddit user TooManyPxls, you can, “read an engraved stone on the way to High Hrothgar [and] animals won’t attack you for a certain time”.

When will The Elder Scrolls VI deliver us an updated trailer? I hope it’s soon.

This is referring to the ‘Voice of the Sky’ effect.

It appears that this is found on the Seven Thousand Steps where you’ll need to read the ‘10 Etched Tablets’.

The effects of the, well, effect, last for 24 hours real time and it’s exactly as the OP says, animals will not attack you.

That being said, the effect is lost if the Dragonborn attacks an animal - and that would be deservedly so.

Harvesting alchemical ingredients from fish and insects does not count as attacking an animal.

The effect also extends to followers, but your horse, however, is not included.

It’s a handy little thing to know.

“The f**k,” replied a surprised Qahnarinn.

Let’s hope that The Elder Scrolls VI’s open-world continues to delight us like this well over a decade later.

Of course, the game remains a release date, but I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t land in the next year or two.

It’s possible that a second Starfield expansion could arrive but The Elder Scrolls VI is now Bethesda’s main focus, so that bodes well for us finally getting an update.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda, Skyrim

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