Despite the Rockstar Games title rapidly approaching its 6-year anniversary, players are still finding secrets and Easter eggs in Red Dead Redemption 2 to this day.
It is hard to believe that Red Dead Redemption 2 was first released back in 2018. The action-adventure game by Rockstar Games and the direct sequel to 2010’s Red Dead Redemption was praised for its hard-hitting narrative, epic gameplay and polished finish and more recently, for its attention to detail.
Check out the launch trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 below!
Such can be seen courtesy of a discovery by one user over on r/reddeadredemption who posted: “Hamish/Alternate Endings [Spoilers]. Prior to finishing the game I found out there are alternate side-mission endings, depending on how much of your side-mission is complete.”
The user is referring to an alternate ending that can follow a side mission quest line with NPC Hamish. Hamish Sinclair can be discovered upon undertaking “The Veteran” stranger quest which spans across four missions.
However, if you do not complete the questline as Arthur Morgan before he dies, it has been discovered that John Marston will take over by visiting Hamish and delivering the news of Arthur’s death.
We already know that after Arthur’s passing, the reins are handed back over to John Marston who is able to tie up a few loose ends at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2.
However, according to other players in the Reddit thread, there are a handful of stranger missions that can be completed with an alternate ending as John.
One user said: “It’s my understanding that it’s only some of the stranger missions that can be completed (with an alternate ending) as John, but only if you start the mission as Arthur. Some of them aren’t available at all if you wait until the epilogue to initiate them.
You can also visit many of these people and say hello during the epilogue, even if you completed the mission as Arthur.”
This is just another example of the amount of detail found within the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 and it remains to be seen what else will be discovered in upcoming years.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games