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'The Last Of Us Part 2' Digital Download Will Be 100GB At Least

'The Last Of Us Part 2' Digital Download Will Be 100GB At Least

The Vast of Us.

Sarah James

Sarah James

There's been a lot of talk about The Last of Us Part II over the last few days - and unfortunately, a lot of it is stuff you'll want to stay away from if you want to remain spoiler-free. But the good news is that after being delayed indefinitely earlier this month, we now have a release date of June 19th.

The not quite so good news is that the game will take up (at least) a whopping 100GB of hard drive space. If you're planning on playing this one as soon as it releases, you may want to start figuring out how much space you have available on your PS4. Physical versions of the game will contain two discs so if that's what you've opted for, you may want to brace for a sizeable installation too.

Naughty Dog, Sony Interactive Entertainment

Amazon appeared to leak the release date for The Last of Us Part II earlier this month but it turns out that it was out by about a week. Of course, that could've just been a placeholder as the release was still "delayed indefinitely" at that point because of concerns surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19). But it seems likely that the launch of the game could've been pushed ahead due to the leaks earlier this week.

The Last of Us Part II hit the final stages of production back in February and Naughty Dog's Director of Communications, Arne Meyer took to the PlayStation Blog to speak of the milestone.

"We are thrilled to say that we've entered the final stretch of production and are putting the finishing touches on The Last of Us Part II as you read this," Meyer wrote.

Naughty Dog, Sony Interactive Entertainment

"The end of development puts us one very large step closer to launch. We know all of you have been so patient over the last few years, so it's been thrilling to see our game taking on its final shape and knowing that means it will be in your hands soon. Today, we're kicking off regular communications about The Last of Us Part II with a few awesome announcements."

A release date of June 19th should give you plenty of time to sort out some hard drive space, then. Just be aware that spoilers seem to be everywhere right now. So please, for your own sake, tread carefully around any The Last of Us Part II content you see online for the next couple of months. (And if you're posting spoilers on our socials, get ready for a banning.)

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog / Sony

Topics: PlayStation, The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog, PS4