You may have had other questions at the forefront of your mind, but in the recesses, you’ve all been wondering why Dr Disrespect got banned from Twitch. It’s just one of those mysteries that’s kept rearing its ugly head.
Now, it would seem, the mystery is finally over; Twitch’s CEO, Dan Clancy, has addressed the ban. Brace yourselves, though, as the answer isn’t quite what you think.
On a totally different topic altogether: have you seen the Alone in the Dark trailer yet?
According to Clancy, it went down like this: “Let me tell you what really happened. There was an alien invasion ... The aliens actually possessed Dr Disrespect, okay? [They] actually took over the globe using Twitch. The only way we could save civilisation was to take the action we did, so it was to save civilisation.”
Fantastical, no?
Obviously, this isn’t the solution anyone was expecting. And it’s fair to say the ban didn’t happen for this reason. Nevertheless, Clancy, seemingly exhausted from continuously being asked about said ban, has decided to have fun with his responses. We can’t exactly blame the guy.
Given the legal back and forth that happened shortly after the feud, in all likelihood, neither Twitch nor Dr Disrespect can openly discuss the details of the ban. Moreover, Clancy’s answer, while comical, may indicate his discomfort in being asked about this situation for the umpteenth time.
Whichever way you look at it, though, it is unusual that we still know so little regarding the why behind the ban; Dr Disrespect had run into issues before and received no more than a slap on the wrist. As YouTuber, Kravos, points out, it’s “mind blowing” not to have “full transparency” on the matter.
Others said how “crazy” it was that “a company can just cut off someone's revenue stream with no reason”. We admit, it’s still a curious case, yet it’s one that won’t be solved in a conventional sense any time soon.