There is no denying that the Halo series is one of the most iconic in gaming, especially as it gave us Master Chief himself.
First launched in 2001 as Halo: Combat Involved for the original Xbox, the Bungie title set the scene for all FPS games that followed.
Check out the campaign trailer for Halo Infinite below!
Over the next 20 years, the Halo series would go from strength to strength, despite some fans reporting that there was a dip in quality after Bungie handed over the reins to 343 Industries.
In more recent years, Halo Infinite became the newest title which launched in 2021 and despite mixed reviews, it was still a decently received entry.
Now with the wait for Halo 7 in full swing (despite some fans believing it may never arrive), it is worth looking back to a time before Halo.
Before work had begun on Halo, Bungie released Marathon Infinity in 1996 which was followed by two more titles to make it a trilogy.
Its Blood Tides of Lh'owon campaign offered players 20 solo or cooperative levels to complete with the standard FPS call signs such as multiple enemy types and weapons to choose from.
If you originally missed out on the trilogy, which is understandable seeing as it was released for Mac, then you are in luck as it has now been released on Steam as Classic Marathon Infinity.
Rebuilt in a homebrew engine by The Aleph One team, the trilogy has been released on Steam steadily over the course of the year with the first arriving in May and the second last month.
"We're very supportive of the Marathon community and Aleph One's dedication here to bring the original Marathon to PC, Linux, and Mac for everyone to experience, with cross-platform play available in multiplayer,” Bungie announced in a statement.
“This is a true tribute to the original game!"
Topics: Halo, Bungie, 343 Industries, Steam, PC