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PlayStation Plus new free game is an incredible adventure you have to play

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PlayStation Plus new free game is an incredible adventure you have to play

PlayStation Plus subscribers, I urge you not to sleep on this one

PlayStation Plus subscribers have plenty to complain about, between rising prices and a relatively lacklustre lineup of free games over the past few months.

It’s true that the last several months haven’t been particularly kind to PlayStation Plus Essential subscribers, or that seems to be the general consensus at least. Personally I thought November was a killer month, and December isn’t too shabby either.

While the Essential free games are always a little hit and miss, Extra tends to be where we see some fun surprises. Obviously the big headline this month is that PlayStation Plus Extra subscribers can play GTA V. You may have heard of that one. But in all the excitement of Rockstar’s open world epic coming back to the service, you might have missed one of the sweetest games ever made.

Tinykin is included in the PlayStation Plus Extra December lineup, and it is an absolute delight. Sort of a cross between Pikmin and Super Mario 64, Tinykin is a wonderfully low stakes game in which you play as a tiny explorer making your way through what appears to be a perfectly ordinary house.

In Tinykin, the mundane becomes the extraordinary. Book shelfs become mountains to climb, kitchen sinks vast oceans to cross. I’m a sucker for any game that lets you shrink down and explore everyday objects from a new perspective (Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue slaps).

Much like Pikmin, Tinykin has you take control of a series of strangely loyal little creatures who can help you clear obstacles and reach new areas. There’s no combat, but plenty of platforming action, races, and puzzles to solve. This is the sort of game I’d have expected Nintendo to release on the GameCube, and I can honestly think of no higher compliment.

So, my handsome friends, my message to you is this: don’t play GTA V for the tenth time. Do something right with your PlayStation Plus subscription, and get stuck into Tinykin.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Playstation Plus, Sony, PlayStation, Indie Games