Sony’s lead console designer Mark Cerny held a presentation that focused on the development of the PlayStation 5 Pro and the future of PlayStation’s next generation of consoles, but it would seem folks online were less than thrilled to hear about Mark’s plans for a potential PlayStation 6.
During the presentation, Mark Cerny took a moment to “talk about the future”-- specifically in regards to how “Machine Learning-based technology”, Advanced Ray Tracing and Sony’s partnership with AMD will affect things down the line.
Now you might think that hearing a bunch of waffle about how AI-upscaling can benefit graphics in the future is the thing that upset folks, but surprisingly their concerns are a lot simpler.
In the comments in a Twitter thread detailing the news, posted by the official PlayStation Twitter account, folks mostly just seem disillusioned with the PlayStation brand entirely.
“But most developers are not fully utilizing their current resources,” commented @cody_brooks_, “so why would I buy into this”
“I’ve definitely tuned out of PlayStation news,” replied @LordKirkis, “Not as excited about the future as initially”
“Corpo trying to talk us into spending a BUNCH of money for minimal improvements,” stated @DavidHman, “No thanks.”
I know Twitter users default to being a bunch of Debbie Downers 99% of the time, but it’s a genuine struggle to find even a single positive comment in that entire thread.
It seems, based on a lot of the other comments, that the issue isn’t necessarily that nobody seems excited about a potential PlayStation 6, but rather that the community seems a little burned by the lacklustre offerings from the PlayStation 5 Pro.
Either way, I reckon a potential PlayStation 6 is still quite a few years out yet, so maybe folks will come around to the idea by the time we hit 2028.
I’m just worried about how much we’re inevitably gonna have to fork out for the next generation of consoles…
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony