Sony finally announced the PlayStation 5 Pro, and everyone on the internet collectively decided that they think it sucks.
Chief among the concerns is the price point, with the system set to retail at £700 at launch.
A lot of folks were pretty upset with this price, as many believe that it’s not worth the price point given the lacklustre improvements to the PS5 model that Sony has announced.
Now everyone has discovered a new, somewhat more disconcerting reason to be mad at the price: the PlayStation 5 Pro doesn’t even come with a disc drive.
To clarify, this means that you’ll have to purchase a disc drive separately and connect it to your PlayStation 5 Pro yourself… which will likely set you back an extra £100, if the disc drive you can purchase for the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition on Sony’s official site is anything to go by.
Reactions to the news were unanimously negative, unsurprisingly.
On DiscussingFilm’s Twitter post detailing the “disc-less console”, the comments are pretty sour across the board.
“Imagine getting rid of the disc drive and having the audacity to charge $700…” replied user BlackMajikMan90, “Sony is simply insane.”
“All the expense of modern technology with none of the reassurance that you'll at least still be able to play your old disk-based games…” stated TheHauskarl, “Literally the worst of all worlds. No thank you.”
Although the news is obviously upsetting for those who are still fans of physical media, it shouldn’t be particularly surprising.
The current generation of consoles has been offering digitally based options ever since they were announced, but it does seem like digital is starting to become the standard and physical is starting to be phased out completely - especially if this new announcement is anything to go by.
We’ll have to wait and see how the PS5 Pro fares sales-wise before denouncing the decision entirely however, as if the console sells well it may imply that most folks are happy moving toward a completely digital future.
Topics: PlayStation 5, Sony, PlayStation