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Next-gen The Witcher 3 packs some stunning visual improvements

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Next-gen The Witcher 3 packs some stunning visual improvements

The right mods for The Witcher 3 can turn it into a completely different game, and well-worth another playthrough...

Out of all the games CD Projekt Red has released, the crowning jewel will always be The Witcher 3 and for good reason. That being said, this next-gen mod somehow makes the game even better than the perfection it already was.

The Witcher 3 is known worldwide as one of the greatest games of all time, and we’re honestly at a loss as to how The Witcher 4 could possibly top it when it releases. It had it all, and it says a lot that players are still happy to boot up their umpteenth playthrough so many years after its release.

Check out The Witcher 3 below

Now if you’re a PC player and want to take your Witcher 3 game to the next level, we’ve got the perfect mods for you. They’re actually two graphical enhancement mods that are so good might as well be playing a different game.

Both can be downloaded from NexusMods and were created by Scoutbr0. The first is RTX Mirrors, which makes every mirror in the game actually reflective as it would be in real life. It’s a minor detail but adds that little bit more immersion into the game, especially if you’re deciding what you want Geralt to wear and fancy seeing your outfit from a different angle.

The second is far more impressive, and is called Improved RT Reflections and Shadows. This one does exactly what it says on the tin and makes any reflective surface far more detailed and improves the game’s lighting to make shadows darker and more detailed. This mod shines the brightest in the areas and cities by large bodies of water, as the reflections become far more apparent and stunning.

The only downside is the boost in quality will drop the framerate a bit, so it’s up to you if you value graphical quality or performance more when downloading the mods.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: The Witcher 3, The Witcher, CD Projekt Red, PC, Mods