These days, when we hear that a trailer is dropping on a specific date we take it with a pinch of salt. It’s just safer that way. However, despite the trailer being delayed, the Dark Souls: Archthrones trailer has dropped, and it brings with it great news.
Dark Souls: Archthrones is coming to PCs soon. Real soon. The free demo for this exciting mod, already described as a “whole new game”, will release on 15 March. This Dark Souls III prequel will enable players to travel between fie worlds as you embark on a journey fitting of such a beefy mod.
Watch that Dark Souls: Archthrones trailer right now!
Alongside a new tale to shape with your blade, there’s also new NPCs and enemies to meet along the way; arguably, for a lot of gamers, this is the main allure. Just take a lot how pysched everyone is about the upcoming Elden Ring DLC – the prospect of having new versions of the best and worst bosses is what’s so thrilling. Sure, we long for more lore too, but Souls games are about combat and foes.
Moreover, the demo can act as a way of preparing for Shadow of the Erdtree, just in case you needed more enticing to play the upcoming demo for yourselves. We suspect not, but you never know.
“This looks absolutely insane,” posted one YouTuber, before adding, “I am glad you made the decision to only make us wait four days after a trailer [for the demo]. Highly appreciated.”
Others commented, “How much endless talent, work and time is invested in each frame, for the sake of the day when this creation will finally see the light – a real phenomenon. History is being written before our eyes.”
This is even before the demo is here, which bodes well. However, we’re always worried we’ll end up with a Starfield situation all over again. Fingers crossed that won’t be the case!
Topics: Dark Souls, PC, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco, Mods