Nintendo fans are already willing to shell out cash for a Nintendo Switch 2 at launch, even though we have no idea what games are going to be available on day one.
There’s not much we really do know about the Nintendo Switch 2 at the moment. We don’t know the console’s specs, we don’t know when pre-orders are going to open, and we don’t know any of the games that are going to be available at launch.
Well, that’s not entirely true, as we do know at least one game that will (assumedly) be available on day one; Mario Kart 9 (or whatever they end up actually calling it).
In spite of all this though, the majority of users over on the r/Switch subreddit aren’t planning on waiting for a launch line-up to get revealed.
Instead, almost every commenter in the thread is pretty keen to get their hands on it ASAP.
“Day 1,” commented user Sparescrewdriver.
“Still have a huge backlog of switch games so not too worried about launch games. But want the larger screen since I play 70ish % handheld.”
“This is the first time I am in a position to get a Nintendo console at launch and I'm all in! Already have a savings bucket to get it,” replied user SupaSlide.
As you might have guessed from these two commenters, backwards compatibility is the main reason the majority of gamers feel comfortable shelling out for a Nintendo Switch 2 at launch.
In that sense, to most people the launch titles are just going to be an extra bonus, as they’re simply happy playing through their backlog of Nintendo Switch titles on a bigger, more powerful system.
We will undoubtedly hear more about what titles will be launching alongside the Nintendo Switch 2 at the next Nintendo Direct on April 2nd however.
Surely we’ll be getting a Zelda title on day one though, right?
Topics: Nintendo Switch 2, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart