The rumours were true, my avid Minecraft fans, because the official rating for the new-gen upgrade has dropped.
Fans have been hopeful that the new-gen upgrade was on the horizon, thanks to a screenshot of the game’s rating on USK, Germany’s rating board. Since then, everyone has waited with bated breath for an age rating to appear on ESRB; finally, it’s happened.
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The GamingLeaksAndRumours Subreddit announced the information, alongside a link to the ESRB Minecraft page as further proof. Categorised as “fantasy violence”, the iconic blocky sandbox title we all love is rated as 10+, though age limits matter little to those who simply want to see the new-current version in action.
Currently, there’s no specific details on when that will happen, though we imagine it’ll be soon given the ESRB rating. However, while this is undoubtedly good news for fans who’ve been waiting, there’s some cynical gamers who believe what we’ll get won’t deliver on what we want. “I’m calling it now. No raytracing support. But i do hope they revive that 4K texture pack that was cancelled years ago,” said RDO-PrivateLobbies in response to the OP.
Their skepticism was quickly met by a Minecraft player who said that there’s “no point” in releasing a game without raytracing. However, as another Redditor was equally as quick to add, “You underestimate the lazy power of Mojang…” Faith in Mojang Studios is obviously lacking, but the question remains whether the new-current enhancement even needs raytracing for it to improve the game.
According to several fans, including Professorbag, “They [Mojang] could add better lighting without it being RT to be fair. There's some amazing looking shaders that don't use raytracing that have been on PC for years now.” They added, “Not that I'm advocating for a non-raytracing update, just that an upgrade doesn't necessarily need to have raytracing.”
The debate continues, as it will until we see some visuals for ourselves. Then the debate will move from speculation to divided opinions on how good/bad Minecraft on new-gen consoles really is.
Topics: Minecraft, Mojang, PC, Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation