The first two Max Payne games are getting remade, and will be of the same quality as Alan Wake 2.
Developer Remedy is still riding the high of success from Alan Wake 2, which was not only considered an fantastic sequel by fans and critics, but also worthy of several gaming awards.
Take a look at Alan Wake 2 below
Of course while the banger musical number helped, the game succeeded due to a passionate team of developers, who are now turning their attention to a long-forgotten series, Max Payne.
For those who haven’t played them the Max Payne games feature some of the best third-person shooter action in gaming history, and is also famous for pioneering the “bullet time” mechanic that so many other games have adopted over the years Bullet time is when the gameplay slows to crawl allowing you to aim, dodge and shooter with better awareness of what’s going on around you.
The first two Max Payne games are confirmed to be getting remakes with Remedy, which recently teased the projects by saying they’re fully approved and funded by the GTA VI developer, and publisher, Rockstar Games.
Speaking further about the games during a recent quarterly report, Remedy CEO Tero Vertala said: "Max Payne 1 & 2 Remake also continued in the production readiness stage. The team made considerable progress throughout the year. Max Payne 1 & 2 Remake is going to be a major new game with great potential, enabled by a similar development budget as Alan Wake 2.”
Honestly the graphical fidelity and story writing of Alan Wake 2, paired with the exhilarating combat of the Max Payne games sounds like a match made in heaven.
Unfortunately there’s no word on when the remakes might be released, though with the project so early in development it shouldn’t be expected for at least a few years.
Topics: Rockstar Games, Xbox, PlayStation, PC