Hogwarts Legacy players have discovered a lovely little secret in the game’s open world that'll make soulslike players swoon.
As a huge fan of soulslike, specifically the FromSoftware variety, I’m always on the lookout for a new game to play that pulls inspiration from Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and other challenging titles.
Speaking of Elden Ring, please join me in rewatching the Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree gameplay trailer below
It also means I’m always on the lookout for references and Easter Eggs paying homage to the unforgiving RPGs, one of which can be found in The Witcher 3, specifically one of the DLC expansions.
Now Hogwarts Legacy players think they’ve found a very obvious reference to FromSoftware’s games out in the open world.
The secret was shared by MiddieFromMhigo, in the form of an in-game screenshot of a campfire with a sword sticking out of the middle.
I’m sure anyone who’s even played the first five minutes of a Dark Souls game can tell me what this is referencing, in fact a Freddo for whoever shouts it out first.
That’s right it’s none other than the famous bonfires scattered through the game, checkpoints and places of rest for weary travellers who’ve just seen unspeakable horrors, and gearing themselves up to see some more.
There’s simply no doubt that this was an intentional reference by the Hogwarts Legacy developers, and while the game plays nothing like a soulslike, it’s still nice to see it pay homage to such a shining RPG series.
The makeshift bonfire joins a variety of secrets and references hidden in the game, many of which allude to in-universe developments fans of the Harry Potter books and films will instantly recognize.
Maybe if Dark Souls 4 ever rolls around we’ll see the team at FromSoftware return the favour, maybe a talking wizard hat that acts as one of the game’s NPCs?
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Fromsoftware, Xbox, PlayStation, PC