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Hogwarts Legacy fans unimpressed by 'rough' new free download

Hogwarts Legacy fans unimpressed by 'rough' new free download

Some lucky Hogwarts Legacy fans recently got to try Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, but apparently it’s quite bad.

Some lucky Hogwarts Legacy fans recently got to try Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, but apparently it’s quite bad.

Despite Hogwarts Legacy being the most successful Harry Potter game ever created, making over $1 billion in revenue across Xbox, PlayStation PC, and soon-to-be Nintendo Switch, it’s got its fair share of flaws.

Take a look at Hogwarts Legacy below

While players loved wandering the halls of Hogwarts, zooming across the sky on a broom, and destroying their enemies with unforgivable curses, many came away from the game a bit disappointed. Reasons for this were the open world feeling criminally empty, as well as a lack of consequences for using dark magic, something very frowned upon in the lore.

Some even accused Avalanche Software of failing to keep its promises on features that were supposed to be in the game, but the biggest transgression of all was the fact we couldn’t be Quidditch.

The popular Wizarding World sport was inaccessible during our time at Hogwarts, cleverly dismissed with an in-game reason as to why nobody was allowed to play it, though that didn’t stop players from hoping it’d be added as DLC.

That unfortunately didn’t happen, as we’re getting Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions instead. The spin-off is currently undergoing playtests and leaked first impressions aren’t sounding good.

In a since-deleted Reddit post, one fan who got invited to the playtest said: “Quidditch Champions is rough…” While we can’t see the specifics of what gave them that impression, it seems as if the main complaint was about too many microtransactions, and fans were quick to weigh in with their disappointment.

“isnt this supposed to be rocket league/fortnite but harry potter? i don’t blame them…”

“Welcome to modern gaming.”

“I'd rather the game be £50 and have unlockables that are rewards for doing things, rather than this battle pass nonsense. Its by far the thing I hate most about the evolution of gaming.”

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions currently has no release date, but it’s expected to drop sometime next year.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros Games

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy