It doesn’t take much to get a fandom excited. Even the subtlest of confirmations will do it, as proven by a job listing for the upcoming Halo game.
Although we recently informed you that Halo 7’s release is a long way off, that doesn’t mean the developers aren’t hard at work.
This job 343 Industries job listing is proof of that.
Most Halo fans would be delighted if Halo 7 captures the magic of Halo 2
The screenshot of the Halo role was initially shared on Twitter before making it to Reddit.
User Rebs Gaming posted, “A new 343 Industries job listing directly confirms that content for future Halo games is being produced in-house by 343 and outsourced to support studios.”
They added, “This proves that the new rumor about 343 outsourcing all production work is false.”
Outsourcing is an element of development that Halo fans have known about “since Halo 4”, according to Twitter user David Burrell.
What studio is doing which bit isn’t the primary focus here, it’s the quiet confirmation that Halo 7 is coming.
Albeit very slowly.
“I mean we still likely have years until the next major Halo game,” reasoned Redditor Simulated_Simulacra, “It'll likely be at least a 5-year-old game [Halo Infinite] by the time whatever is next comes out.”
Even though fans recognise the reality of the situation, in that much work still needs to be done, that doesn’t stop them theorising about the new instalment.
“I hope they really think about what story they are telling, and get some good writers in,” said edwardneb.
Someone else commented, “As long as we get more variety in locations, I’m good.”
What the fandom is asking for doesn’t sound like much, yet they’ve been burnt before.
Still, the Halo machine continues ticking over thanks to job listings and teasers that tap into the nostalgia of the OG games.
Now we know it’s coming, we’d like to know, roughly, when Halo 7 will release.
Topics: Halo, Halo Infinite, 343 Industries