Many Call Of Duty fans believe Der Riese is one of the best Zombies maps in the series, though that’s not to say it doesn’t have steep competition.
Even if you’re not a huge fan of Call Of Duty you’ll know all about the infamous Zombies mode. The wave-based multiplayer fun that originated in Call Of Duty: World at War has become a staple of the franchise, and while it’s slowly declined in quality with recent entries it hasn’t squandered the fond memories we have of the gamemode.
The most recent incarnation of Call Of Duty Zombies appeared in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which you can check out below
That being said, there are so many Zombies maps to choose from nowadays, and while they’re not all winners it’s pretty difficult to pick a favourite.
Fans have debated the best map in the franchise for years now, with names like Moon, Origins, and Mob Of The Dead popping up frequently in the discussions.
A recent post on Reddit by the_sexy_frog420 (great name) decided to spark up the conversation once again by asking “In your opinion, What is the most PERFECT zombies map?” This, as you’d expect, kicked up a whole can of worms with fans, many of which pitched their favourite and what made it so good.
Zombies In Spaceland popped up a number of times, as did maps like Tranzit and Call of the Dead. However Der Riese got a lot of love as well. It makes sense considering it’s one of the earliest Zombies maps in the franchise, so players are bound to feel at least a little bit nostalgic when they see it.
It’s hard to not be nostalgic when the modern version of the mode feels so dull and lifeless in comparison, so hopefully the next Call Of Duty game gives us a more classic experience that feels more aligned with the origins of the mode.
Topics: Call Of Duty, Activision, Xbox, PlayStation, PC