It has been 26 years since Metal Gear Solid was first launched but this jaw-dropping Unreal Engine 5 remake of the classic Konami title has fans hoping for an official remake.
First released in 1998 and cementing itself as one of the best PSX games of all time, Metal Gear Solid may be a classic but is pretty outdated by today’s standards.
Check out the official trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater below!
However, with Konami focusing its attention on a remake of 2004’s Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater instead, it seems as though we will have to wait a bit longer for a remake of the first in the series.
Luckily, one solo developer has taken matters into their own hands by recreating the starting area of Metal Gear Solid using Unreal Engine 5.
This achievement comes courtesy of Youtuber EnzoElRich who shared the video to their channel earlier this week.
Taking just three weeks to do, the video is almost twenty minutes long and shows us what an upscaled version of the 1998 title could look like.
As this was just a solo project, it is not highly polished and basic movement and takedowns are not the smoothest.
However, we can still see basic gameplay mechanics and an improved look to the game as a whole so it is no wonder that fans of the classic shared their praise.
“Look at this, Konami! That's all we want. LOOK AT IT!” One comment read.
Another said: “Here you shine! You made me relive every part of one of my favorite games!”
As this is just for EnzoElRich’s portfolio, it won’t be released to the public so there is no chance of playing it ourselves.
However, it is clear that fans would love to see a Metal Gear Solid remake in the future.
Who knows? Perhaps Konami will turn its attention to it after the release of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.
Topics: Metal Gear Solid, Konami, Unreal Engine