Since Spider-Man’s first appearance in the Amazing Fantasy comic anthology series back in 1962(!), our web-slinging, wall-sticking hero has faced a huge amount of foes. I mean, obviously, that’s pretty much the whole point.
Anyway, there’s a new baddie on the block - as reported by GamesRadar+, the latest Amazing Spider-Man comic has introduced Chasm, a new villain who appears to be an “anti-Spider-Man”, of sorts. As for who’s under the mask? Well, fans might already know who it is - if you want to avoid spoilers for the latest issue (#93), now’s your time to scroll far, far away.
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to sling Spider-Man's webs in real life? Look no further than the video below.
Okay, is everyone who doesn’t want to read this gone now? Good. Longtime Spidey fans might find the name Ben Reilly familiar - he's the clone of Peter Parker, who once thought he was the real deal. He replaced Peter for a bit while the “Clone-Saga” storyline was going, and although he’s been under the impression he’s doing heroic things, he’s actually been manipulated and controlled by the sinister Beyond Corporation. Not ideal.
When Ben starts losing his artificially implanted memories of Peter’s life, he starts to become unstable, which ultimately leads to a conflict between him and Peter. He gets lost under the wreckage of the corporation’s headquarters, engulfed in unusual chemicals. Months later, he eventually emerges, but has clearly been affected by those chemicals, because not only is his memory worse, but he’s also covered in some sort of green and black energy - never a healthy sign.
Anyway, that brings us to Chasm - Ben’s new, villainous identity - and thanks again to GameRadar+ for their plot summary. As of now, of course, his appearance is limited to the comics, but that doesn’t mean we won’t see him come to screen sometime in the future.
Speaking of Spider-Man movies, it recently emerged that Grant Curtis, who worked on Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man trilogy, hopes that more can be done with Raimi’s storyline in the future. Storyboards surfaced last year of a fourth movie, in which Spider-Man would have been facing off against The Vulture. Unfortunately, the film never saw the light of day, but who knows what could happen going forward, especially since Tobey Maguire said that his character’s chapter isn’t closed. We’ll just have to hang around and find out... Sorry, that was bad.
Topics: Spider Man, Marvel