It definitely doesn’t take a genius to know that letting the internet have any control over anything, ever, is almost always a bad idea. Even more so when it’s to do with the naming of something - you can guarantee that the results are never going to go the way that the people in charge were hoping for. Remember Boaty McBoatface?
Yesterday, popular streamer and YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren discovered this fact in spectacular fashion, when he made the terrible decision to let his viewers name his new kitten. The white ball of fluff, as adorable as it may be, very quickly became the epicentre of absolute chaos, with fans deliberately opting for the most inappropriate names possible.
Before we get into it, check out some of the funniest wins and fails caught on livestreams right here.
As reported by Dexerto, after being hit with a tidal wave of awful options, Ludwig persevered, and put them all into a marble race to determine a winner in a fair, unbiased way. At first, it seemed that ‘Ludwig III’ would come out victorious, until right near the end of the race, ‘Cracker’ came hurtling down the track to steal the win.
This name, of course, is a not-so-subtle reference to the controversy from late last year, when Twitch cracked down (excuse the pun) on the usage of the term - a number of streamers faced bans at the time for using it.
Understandably then, Ludwig attempted to get round using the name by giving his viewers a vote between Cracker and Coots, which the latter won by a fairly narrow margin. However, the chat wasn't satisfied, given that Cracker had (unfortunately) won fair and square in the marble race.
To settle matters once and for all, Ludwig decided that the kitten should be able to choose its own name. After pulling up Paint and writing ‘Cracker’ ‘Coots’ and ‘Marbles’ on his screen, the streamer allowed the cat to have the final vote. It instantly began pawing at Cracker. “This cat’s a problem. For me, for society,” Ludwig said.
By the end of the stream, the little kitten remained unnamed: “Say goodbye to Marbles, or Coots, or Cracker,” the streamer said as he signed off. Chances are, it’s almost certainly not going to end up being called Cracker, but we’ll have to wait and see.