The latest episode of House Of The Dragon introduces a family of Muppets to the turbulent political landscape preceding the Dance of the Dragons. No, this is not an April Fool's. It's a bit late for that.
Spoilers for the latest episode of House Of The Dragon are below.
Tensions are slowly, slowly, slowly rising to a tipping point in the show. Alicent is seething that there is not one, not two, but three illegitimate children larking about like they're actually Laenor's. For now, she's holding onto her power, attending council meetings and querying the current turmoil in the Riverlands. House Blackwood and House Bracken are tussling for influence and Alicent asks Ser Lyonel why hasn't Lord Grover Tully stepped in to pour cold water on this scrap. Yes. Grover. Like this Grover. Obviously, even more spoilers follow.
Unsure what all of the hullabaloo is about for House Of The Dragon? Here's the trailer. But if you're someone who isn't instantly amped by the prospect of dragons in a Sunday evening TV show, then there is no hope for you. It's the truth.
As Polygon points out, these characters are canonised in the original Fire & Blood book - it's not a reference that has been thrown in by the showrunners. Lord Grover is the patriarch of House Tully and the Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident. During the Dance of the Dragons, he wished to ally with Aegon Targaryen II and the Greens (including Helaena, Aemond, Alicent, Otto, Criston, Tyland and Larys). However, Grover was far too old to oppose the actions of his grandson, Elmo. Elmo stood with Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and the Blacks, and apparently Grover was so irate about this that he died of apoplexy.
Succeeding his grandfather as the Lord of Riverrun, Elmo had two sons, named Kermit and Oscar. Kermit was said to be "green as summer grass" while Oscar had something of a "prickly pride." It's so on the nose, isn't it? This lot are actually integral to the rise of House Tully and their reputation as a band of formidable soldiers and loyal allies. How do they do it? Well, you'll just have to wait and see.
Topics: House of the Dragon, TV And Film