The latest episode of House of the Dragon featured a cameo that you would easily miss if you blinked once during the action.
Snuck into the background of Harrenhal, there was a very familiar face for any eagle-eyed viewers to spot.
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You might have had to get up close to your TV to spot this but on the Weirwood tree in the courtyard of Harrenhal, the face carved into the bark was none other than George R.R. Martin himself.
Of course, the tree itself isn’t real, and you can see the artist carving the author’s face into the plaster that makes up the trunk.
The detail is incredible, and when you take a good look at it, you can see the likeness easily.
The Weirwood trees, also known as heart trees, are an integral part of Westeros although we don’t know a great deal about them.
The faces on the trees are thought to be carved by the Children of the Forest and only a few of the trees still stand in the kingdom.
We saw a few of them throughout Game of Thrones and we’ve had a good look at several Weirdwood trees in House of the Dragon, too.
The Twitter replies are obviously brilliant, with one user saying, “Why is he acting as a tree when he should be writing Winds of Winter?”
Many people have seen the tribute and believe that it is well-deserved that the author appears in the show that he lovingly created.
Martin was originally due for a cameo in the first episode of Game of Thrones, however, it was quickly scrapped along with the entire episode before the script was tweaked and reshot.
House of the Dragon’s finale airs next week and brings the season to a close. If you want to know what happens next, you’ll be waiting a while unless you read Fire and Blood, the book the show is based on.
Topics: House of the Dragon, Game Of Thrones, TV And Film