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Hacking Group Claims It Has Found Encryption Codes Needed To Unlock PlayStation 5

Hacking Group Claims It Has Found Encryption Codes Needed To Unlock PlayStation 5

"Another one bites the dust"

It seems that some hackers are very close to entirely working out the PlayStation 5. Hackers are slowing finding exploits for the Sony console, so that people can use and develop their own software for it. Separate from the hacking group, one person has at least shown that they’ve been able to change the software on the PlayStation 5 to show menu items that should reserved for Sony developers.

As reported by ArsTechnica, hacking group Fail0verflow has claimed that it has accessed the encryption “root keys” for the PS5. Though this doesn’t mean that the console has been “jailbroken” yet, it’s close. That means that once it’s jailbroken, hackers will be able to run their own software, operating systems and more on the PlayStation 5.

The group has uploaded an image to Twitter showing that they’ve made some sort of progress in hacking the PlayStation 5. The image, admittedly, is complicated - but the caption saying “another one bites the dust” does confirm that the group is getting close to being able to use homebrew software on the device. Though they need more information and keys, it’s a win for the hackers who have been working on this.

Additionally, a hacker by the name of theFlow0 has shown that they’ve been able to access a developer menu item. A photo that they’ve uploaded to Twitter shows that the menu on their PlayStation 5 is now showing an item called “Debug Settings” which is not standard on the system. They’ve said that they’ve no plans to release how to access this to others at the moment. Additionally the screenshot was posted via the sharing tool PlayStation 5s have which means it’s entirely functional on current firmware.

Both situations show how close hackers are getting to working out the systems of the PlayStation 5. Once they’ve cracked it open, there will be a flood of people using the console for their own personal projects.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation