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Cyberpunk 2077 publisher makes super controversial game free to download and keep forever

Cyberpunk 2077 publisher makes super controversial game free to download and keep forever

Claim one of the most controversial games ever for free

The 90s was a strange time in more ways than one, especially when it came to video games being banned for reasons that would be dismissed today. For the most part, video games were banned for what was perceived as graphic violence for its time.

Some of the once-banned video games that come to mind include the likes of Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, and DOOM, to name a few. Nowadays, we’re so used to realism as well as comical violence being so detailed in our video games, that the aforementioned games being banned today would be considered a joke.

Check out the Postal: Classic and Uncut trailer below!

Don’t get me wrong, video games still get banned today but graphic violence is not always the culprit. Take, for example, Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch (yes, that wholesome game is banned in one country).

We all know that Tom Nook is somewhat of a loan shark, but he doesn't get violent for late payments, right? Animal Crossing: New Horizons is banned in China due to being able to create in-game signs and some players were creating signs in favour of the Hong Kong protests.

One other game that received a ban in multiple regions is the cult-classic, isometric top-down shooter, Postal which was originally released in 1997. Postal was banned for several reasons including graphic violence as well as its sexual and drug-related themes.

A country in which Postal was banned is Australia and despite that ban being lifted years ago, it’s been delisted on platforms such as Steam. However, as long as you don’t live in a banned country where Postal isn't available, you can claim a remastered version of this game, courtesy of Cyberpunk 2077 PC publisher,

Postal: Classic and Uncut not only features the original version of the game but also the remastered version and previously released DLC. “Banned in over 10 countries, realistic, non-stop-killing, action-strategy psychological thriller. No aliens, no mutants, no stupid quest for the dragon's balls,” reads the description of the game.

“Just good antisocial, psychotic shoot-'em-up action, strategy and government intervention. Blast, maim and fire-bomb your way through 17 levels (plus four new levels and 24 new characters in the expansion pack). Exploit mass murder opportunities, mow down marching bands, spray protesters, and charbroil whole towns.”

So, what are you waiting for? Claim Postal: Classic and Uncut now before it’s too late. Oh, and it's DRM-free.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt, Ripcord Games

Topics: Free Games, Cyberpunk 2077, PC