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PlayStation 5 has a hidden setting you need for late-night gaming

PlayStation 5 has a hidden setting you need for late-night gaming

Turn your late night gaming into a stealth session

When I boot up my PlayStation 5, I typically do either one of two things.

I load up whatever game I’m in the midst of playing or I head over to the PlayStation Store to peruse the latest deals.

What I don’t usually do is bring up my settings to see what nifty hidden features my console has.

Clearly, I should be doing just that though because as it turns out, there’s plenty of things you might not know you can do on your PlayStation that will make your life way easier.

For example, did you know you can turn off the start-up beep? Or did you know that you can set-up your preferred difficulty options so you don’t have to do it again every time you load up a new RPG?

Today’s tip is perfect for those of you who might fall under the category of ‘late night gamers’.

Personally, I’m a bit like Cinderella. When the clock strikes 12, I’m gone. But if you’re someone who games into the early hours of the morning, this is well worth making note of.

ICYMI: Take a look at our review of the newly launched Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree expansion below.

As much as I enjoy the dynamic soundscape of the PlayStation 5’s home screen, that’s not exactly ideal when everyone else in your household is asleep.

If you’re in need of a bit of peace and quiet, you can actually disable music on your home screen.

From your PlayStation 5’s settings page, select ‘Sound’ followed by ‘Audio Output’.

Scroll down and you’ll eventually find ‘Home Screen Music’. Simply set the toggle from on to off.

This will also disable the UI’s sound effects so you won’t get that classic PlayStation hum everytime you switch between icons.

I’ll admit, it’s slightly strange to navigate a PlayStation 5 in perfect silence but it’s great that it's a possible option should you wish to make your late night gaming sessions a tad more stealthy.

Featured Image Credit: Sony, Kerde Severin via Unsplash

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony