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'Brütal Legend 2' Is Still Possible, Says First Game's Director

'Brütal Legend 2' Is Still Possible, Says First Game's Director

You can't kill the metal.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Brütal Legend came to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 way back in 2009, and it's fair to say that the EA-published, Double Fine-developed title was quite unlike anything we'd ever seen before.

A strange hybrid of action-adventure and real-time-strategy, Brütal Legend threw players into an open fantasy world inspired by Heavy Metal, in which the hero (played by Jack Black, obviously) embarks on a quest to save the land from darkness with his magical Flying V guitar, driving between missions and exploring in his Hot Rod.

Brutal Legend/

Oh, the game also featured performances from such Heavy Metal alum as Lemmy Kilmister, Rob Halford, Ozzy Osbourne and Lita Ford. You could have given me a million years and unlimited resources and I never would have came up with a game like this, but director Tim Schafer and his team at Double Fine did, and that's what matters.

Brütal Legend was built by a team of developers that clearly had a passion for Heavy Metal. The entire game is heaving with devotion to the genre, and what could have been a ridiculous forgettable parody managed to become one of the strangest, most compelling video games of all time - one that quickly gained a devoted cult following.

As such, there are more than a few metal-loving gamers out there who would love to see Jack Black pick up his Flying V and jump back into the Hot Rod for a sequel, and it's something that Tim Schafer himself has often thought about since the original sequel was sadly canned all those years ago.

In an excellent new interview with GamesRadar on the tenth anniversary, Schafer has admitted that Brütal Legend 2 is still very much a possibility, even if we shouldn't expect it anytime soon. Boo.


While the director admitted that he's "not that interested in doing a sequel to anything" after Psychonauts 2 (at least right away) he did suggest that Brütal Legend 2 is at least more technically possible now than it was all those years ago, and that the studio's love for the story and world of the original game makes a sequel near enough inevitable.

"Everyone put their heart and soul into that game,'' Schafer explained. "It wasn't like we were putting anything on; I genuinely love heavy metal, and I really love all the images in that game that came from me and [Art Director] Lee Petty. I think we really pushed ourselves on Brutal Legend and I have so much pride for what we accomplished."


Elsewhere in the interview, Schafer revealed that he still plays the original game every year, so the bottom line here is that you can't kill the metal, kids. Keep the faith, and Brütal Legend 2 might just materialise sooner or later. I just hope it's sooner.

Featured Image Credit: EA

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