There’s one question on everyone’s lips: Are we ever going to get a Titanfall 3? It’s not looking good. It’s been two years since industry insiders first suggested that Titanfall 3 had entered development before Repsawn warned us that there was, in fact, nothing in the works. Shortly after, Respawn walked that statement back teasing the future of Titanfall yet here we are in 2022 with next to no evidence to suggest anything is coming.
Whilst we all lick our wounds, some gamers are discovering the franchise for the first time. One Reddit user recently picked up Titanfall 2 thanks to their Xbox Game Pass subscription and have since hailed the game as one of the best first-person shooters ever. That’s what we like to see.
ICYMI, check out this gameplay snippet from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II below.
Reddit user lvoryHorizon took to the site to announce that Titanfall 2 is “one of the best FPS i’ve ever played.” They wrote, “I FINALLY decided to play Titanfall 2’s story because it was free. I never thought I would be so attached to a robot. Truly one of the best FPS I’ve ever played.” They’re not wrong. There are many Titanfall 2 fans on the GAMINGbible team and over on Metacritic, the game has a reputable score of 87.
Fans soon flocked to the post in excitement. There was lots of talk of Protocol 3, but I’m not going to delve into that for the benefit of those of you who are yet to experience this gem. Pope00 teased, “I played the game years after hearing how good it was. Saw lots of ‘Protocol 3’ posts on Reddit. So I knew it meant something. So I felt prepared. I still wasn’t ready when it actually happened.” I bet you’re intrigued.
Kudichangedlives added, “We need Titanfall 3! It was one of the best games I've ever played and yet for some reason it never really took off,” while CzarTyr said, “Top 5 FPS campaigns of all time, maybe higher.” Preach.
Topics: Titanfall, Respawn Entertainment, EA