Is it possible for fandoms not to get horny over… well… anything? That’s what Fallout’s Deathclaw creator is currently wondering due to some interesting fan-art of the creature. Only time will tell if fans will create horny fan-art about Starfield, though we suspect they will.
Check out the Starfield story below!
Arguably, the Deathclaws are some of the deadliest enemies to happen across while roaming the desolate wastes of the franchise. Their claws, their horns, their speed – there’s a lot to strike the fear of God into the most stoic Vault Boy. Yet, where some experience fear, others experience desire.
If we’re being honest, an attraction for some has always been there, but as fans await any news about Fallout 5, the Deathclaw creator has decided to reflect on the legacy his creations have left behind. Having seen a recent post about these ghoulish sex symbols, Jonah Lobe, the mind behind the Deathclaws, has expressed awe at how thirsty this fandom is.
“As the creator of the Deathclaw, I’ve been silently impressed [and] horrified at the sheer tonnage of Deathclaw porn out there,”. It’s fair to say, Lobe isn’t alone.
While it may surprise some of us more vanilla types, the volume of Deathclaw porn is significant.
Despite Lobe’s tweet being fairly recent, if you take the time to delve into some of the murkier parts of Reddit (be afraid, be very afraid), there’s posts from as far back as 2017 asking if it’s normal to want seven minutes in heaven with a Deathclaw.
There’s then the numerous Steam Mods, like one absolute gem, titled ‘Stupid, Sexy Deathclaws’. This unique mod gives the Deathclaw’s a sensual overhaul so that this misunderstood beast can embrace the curves it’s tried to hide from the world for fear of turning people on too much.
Of course, for those who want to explore mods without too much sexiness to overwhelm them, The Wilderness mod introduces a whole new world to explore.
Even though news is scarce regarding Fallout 5, it seems unlikely that gamers will be rewarded for their… acquired tastes. We’re sorry to report that Deathclaws, as far as we’re aware, will remain much the same. And while some may be sad that the Deathclaws will remain as enemies rather than love interests, at least there’s always the back channels of the internet to find your fix.
Just spare a poor thought for Lobe, who doesn’t know exactly how they feel about their creation, other than it’s proceeded to provoke a physical reaction in players.