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Fallout 4's first mission has a grim alternate ending most of us missed

Fallout 4's first mission has a grim alternate ending most of us missed

It's an explosive start

Set in the aftermath of a nuclear war, Fallout 4 does not shy away from the effects of a life changing event.

However, with the script making it so that you successfully avoid the bomb’s impact and find safety in Vault 111, some fans have been wondering what would actually happen if you strayed from the objective at the start of Fallout 4.

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For those who are yet to play Fallout 4, the beginning events of the game see you enjoying an idyllic American life before a warning is broadcast on the television.

With the threat of a nuclear war imminent, citizens are advised to rush to their local vault if they wish to survive and the way there is pretty straight forward.

However, for those who avoid the soldiers barking instructions and the obvious path and either get distracted looking at the scenery or actively trying to go a different way, they will soon learn the true meaning of a nuclear war.

This news comes courtesy of a post over on r/fo4 where one person asked: “What happens if you don't go in the vault in the beginning?”

“The game makes it so that with all the chaos when the bombs drop, you have to go to the vault. My question is, what happens if you stay outside. Is there some kind of Easter egg video that occurs when they drop? Is there a cool death sequence?” they continued.

It turns out, and to nobody’s surprise, you will in fact get killed by the falling bomb and you even take your spouse and child with you as they refuse to leave without you. This is probably not the best start to Fallout 4 but it’s always interesting to play out other options at least once.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda