Days Gone is by no means a perfect game but if you do choose to pick it up, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what it has to offer. I personally found it to be pretty fun and would easily give a sequel a whirl. Unfortunately though, a sequel isn’t on the cards.
We’ve known for several years now that Days Gone 2 isn’t happening. Interestingly, Days Gone’s sales actually matched Ghost of Tsushima’s - and that game is getting a sequel and a film adaptation. Ghost of Tsushima managed to stand out in Sony’s roster though, while Days Gone perhaps suffered from comparisons to the wildly successful The Last of Us. Director John Garvin wasn’t happy about the cancelled sequel, blaming the situation on ‘woke reviewers’ which seems a little petulant. As a consolation though, fans continue to petition for a sequel.
Next up from Sony is Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores. Take a look at the trailer below.
Shortly after it was revealed that Days Gone wasn’t getting a sequel, fans set up a petition and now, two years later, new signatures are still rolling in by the hour. As I type this, the last was just four minutes ago. In total, the petition has amassed an incredible 197,755 signatures - which is so close to its 200,000 goal.
The petition was set up by fan Kanhair Raval who wrote, “There's millions of people who want Sony PlayStation to approve Days Gone 2. And I want all the fans to sign this petition. They can’t just pull the plug on such an amazing game that ended with a cliffhanger.” One fan added, “Very good game. Please make a sequel,” while another said, “Days Gone is a masterpiece.”
Another wrote, “Brilliant game. I really want to carry on after the cliff hanger, I’ve played the first one a few times.” We don’t actually know what Bend Studio has been working on since the plug was pulled on the Days Gone series. Rumours are the studio may be creating a new Uncharted game which would be very exciting.
Topics: Days Gone, PlayStation, Sony