One of the largest Call of Duty cheat providers for Modern Warfare II, Mobius, have confirmed that they’re shutting down in order to comply with a cease-and-desist order sent by Activision.
There are harmless cheats, like using motherlode in The Sims 4, and then there are the kind that utterly ruin the game for other players. They pop up in every corner of the gaming world. One Minecraft streamer admitted to cheating in streams, while Fall Guys devs have revealed some of the pathetic excuses of that game’s banned cheaters. GTA Online cheat providers were forced into shutting down by Take Two Interactive, plus Activision have banned hundreds of thousands of accounts. For the most part, Activision uses their in-game Ricochet system but now, they’ve also resorted to sending cease-and-desist letters to cheat supplying websites.
Activision is set to announce the latest update for Warzone 2.0 at this evening’s Summer Game Fest.
As reported by MMOBomb, Mobius - one of the largest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II cheat providers - announced that they’d be shutting down after receiving the cease-and-desist letter from Activision. Supplying cheats can be very lucrative and Mobius boasts over 3,000 users. Over on Reddit, a screenshot of a Whatsapp image was shared seemingly from a Mobius customer group chat.
It read, “Hello Mobius users. Someone affiliated with the Team Mobius was given a C&D today by Activision. We are going to comply with it by shutting down everything. I hope you all understand.” There may be money in selling cheats, but certainly not enough to tackle the legal fees that would come with ignoring the letter.
It’s great news for the rest of us as I think we can all agree that the less cheaters there are out there, the better. A good game is a fair game. Don’t cheat, please.
Topics: Activision, Call Of Duty, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II